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Installing new Branch Server Instance

A valid license is required for the installation of RetailPro. Ensure that it is correctly linked in the B1 ProSuite Software Platform before the installation of RetailPro is started.




Start the B1ProSuite Software Platform application if it has not yet started and login if needed.


Navigate to Packages > Applications .


Click (in lower right corner) on “New”.


In Service tab, select packet “RetailPro Branch – xx.xx.x.x”.


Enter a desired "Tag" to categorize the different applications (for example TEST or PRODUCTION).


"Namespace" can be left empty. This will not be used.

Will be implemented in a future release


Enter the database server address behind "Server".


Enter the name of the RetailPro Branchserver database to which the service should be linked in "Database" field.

For new installation of branch server, the database name can be determined. Make sure to use a unique name to easily identify the database when needed.

Please make sure to NOT use the SAP Business One database. This will cause to break the SAP Business One database.


Enter the Database server login data in "User" and "Password" fields (not SAP Business One credentials).


If desired, select a time when the Application should be restarted automatically. If this is set up, make sure that this is outside of business hours.


Select a specific "SAPUI5 Version" from the range described in the Compatibility Matrix.

If left blank, the highest available version is used.


Select the “Startup type” to indicate whether the application should be started automatically when the B1 ProSuite Software Platform service is started.


In IP tab, select which IP port this "service" should use.

Make sure to create firewall rules to accept incoming traffic to access this port and the configured webserver port.


In License tab. Assign an available license.

Refer to the B1ProSuite Software Platform Installation Manual for instructions on obtaining (temporary) licenses.


Click “Add” to start installation process.

After succesfully installing a new RetailPro Branch Server instance, please continue to Setup RetailPro Branch Server.

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