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General Store Settings

Configure these settings as desired. The settings are the defaults or global settings for visual and functional options for the Point of Sale application.

Some settings should be applied after successfully installing and configuring the Local Device Server.  


The toggles (switches) for each setting gives the option to be able to change that setting for an individual store. When disabled, the store will not be able to apply its own setting.

Please note that the toggle for DeviceServer Id, Default windows printer and Default pos printer is a combined setting.

The following settings can be changed:

  • Shop Type: This indicates whether the shop is mainly a Business to Business or Business to Consumer type of shop.

    • This has the effect that the prices are displayed inclusive (B2C) or exclusive VAT (B2B).

  • Save as Quotation: Enable/Disable to have the option available to save a transaction as a quotation and not as a direct sales or order

  • Payment in cents: Determines whether the amounts need be entered in cents (eg 1000 for € 10,00 or 10.00 for € 10,00)

  • Show Prices in search results: Show prices in search results

  • Show Item Image in pos: Show the item images if available or a “no item image” when set to true

    • This has the visual effect that in the list view of the search and on the transaction an image is shown or not

  • Device server id: Choose the device server for this shop

  • Print on windows printer by default: Yes, No, YesButOptional, NoButOptional;

    • Print the invoice/order/quotation on the windows printer

  • Print on pos printer by default: Yes, No, YesButOptional, NoButOptional;

    • Print the receipt on the pos printer

  • Default windows printer, The name of the windows printer as defined in the device server

  • Default pos printer: The name of the pos printer as defined in the device server

  • Email confirmation by default:: Yes, No, YesButOptional, NoButOptional

    • Email the transaction confirmation

  • Customer Select option: None, MainMandatory, MainOptional, AdditionalMandatory, AdditionalOptional

Shop Type

You can choose between two options, Business to business B2B or Business to Consumers B2C. Depending on these settings, item prices and line totals will be displayed with VAT (B2C) or without VAT (B2B).





Save as Quotation

If this option is true, you can save the current transaction in the POS as a quotation instead of a direct order





Payment In Cents



  • When false, you enter the amount in your local currency including the decimal sign

  • When true, you enter the amount in your local currency without the decimal sign and this will be filled automatically

Show Prices in search results





Device Server Id

Choose your device server from the list.

Print on windows printer by default

This setting can either be put to No, Yes, YesButOptional or NoButOptional

This setting reflects on finalize tab Customer Contact in which you can see/change customer contact settings such as this setting.




Pull down menu is shown and switch is set to true and cannot be set to false


Pull down menu is shown and switch is set to true and can be set to false


Pull down menu is shown and switch is set to false and can be set to true


Option is not shown at all

Print on pos printer by default

This setting can either be put to No, Yes, YesButOptional or NoButOptional

This setting reflects on finalize tab Customer Contact in which you can see/change customer contact settings such as this setting.




Pull down menu is shown and switch is set to true and cannot be set to false


Pull down menu is shown and switch is set to true and can be set to false


Pull down menu is shown and switch is set to false and can be set to true


Option is not shown at all

Email confirmation by default

This setting can either be put to No, Yes, YesButOptional or NoButOptional

This setting reflects on finalize tab Customer Contact in which you can see/change customer contact settings such as this setting.




Pull down menu is shown and switch is set to true and cannot be set to false


Pull down menu is shown and switch is set to true and can be set to false


Pull down menu is shown and switch is set to false and can be set to true


Option is not shown at all

Show Item Image in POS





Customer Select option



No Customer can be selected, only anonymous sales is possible


Customer must be selected on the main screen prior to be able to add items to the transaction


Customer can be selected on the main screen prior or after adding items to the transaction


Customer must be selected using a button on the Function Button section prior or after adding items to be able to finish the transaction


Customer can be selected using a button on the Function Button section prior or after adding items to the transaction or finishing the transaction

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