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HTTPS Prerequisites

Connections towards the Aiden Integration Platform

All connections towards AIP are mandatory fixed on HTTPS connections it is not possible to connect using HTTP traffic.

As default security measure all connections are made using Basic Authentication.

It is possible to expand this by using a whitelist IPrange, ensuring that only traffic from your servers is allowed.

Connections from the Aiden Integration Platform

When connection from our platform towards external applications the prerequisites are primarily defined by the receiving party.
By default it is possible to connect to HTTP and HTTPS, using custom authentication headers and/or basic authentication.

If need be our platform can be added to your whitelist, the AIP IP is set to

Connecting to SAP Business One Service Layer

It is possible to connect our Integration Platform and Business One using the B1 Service Layer. This is both for messages towards SAP as retrieving data from SAP to send towards external applications.

The following prerequisites need to be met to be able to connect

  • The servicelayer should be installed and exposed towards the internet

    • If need be the Aiden Integration Platform can be whitelisted, our IP for whitelisting both for outbound as well for inbound connections is

  • The servicelayer needs to be exposed based on HTTPS and a valid (wildcard)certificate for the external URL

  • A technical user for logon purposes is required

  • Please check with your technical application management if your current setup is configured for the additional load.

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