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To connect your application landscape Aiden offers the following protocols out of the box. This applies for products offered via EYE and FLOW.


Whether you need to send a new order to SAP, send delivery information towards your logistics provider or disclose your stock and price information for external webshops.. Our integration platform securely hosts endpoints tailored to your integration.

Send data from the integration platform towards your application based on HTTPS.


Retrieve and process files placed on your FTP server or send a file to your FTP server.


Similar to our FTP connections it’s possible to retrieve and process files placed on your SFTP server or send a file to your SFTP server.

Office365 - Email

Read email messages from a (group) inbox or subfolder and process it’s content or attachments. Need to send an invoice automatically towards a supplier, our platform can send an email using your own email domain, making sure that any replies can be seen.

AS2 and OFTP2

For EDI messages AS2 and OFTP2 are industry standards. Aiden supports both types of connections. Our data connection sheet including our public signing certificate can be found here.

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