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Signature Pad (Stepover Simplesigner integration)

The Aiden POS can be used together with Stepover Simplesigner products (specifically the duraSign Pad Brilliance). More information on setting this up on your local PC can be found here. The software can be downloaded here. After locally setting up the Stepover Simplesigner it is recommended to test whether the signer works locally, this can be done via the Command Prompt, with a call similar to this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\StepOver\SimpleSigner7\SimpleSigner.exe" "C:\Users\johndoe\test.pdf" 250 700 550 800 1 0 "." "." False noconfirm viewpdf signondoc

This section will explain how the Signature Pad can be used in combination with the Aiden POS.


Configure Payment Types

After installing the Simpesigner software on your local device, one or more Payment Types should be configured to use the Signature Pad. This can be done in the Management Portal under Payment Types, by setting the values for the following parameters: Should be signed = Yes and Sign Type = “Signature Pad” (or: “Signature Pad external PDF”).

Install Shell-application

In order to control locally installed hardware (which is not possible directly from a browser) we have created a shell-application in which the Aiden POS can be run. It can be downloaded here: Setup AidenPOS

After installing, the following fields need to be setup in the settings-page image-20240502-124730.png :


Another example of a working argument: 250 700 550 800 1 0 "." "." False noconfirm viewpdf signondoc

Workflow in Aiden POS

When the transaction is finalized and one-or-more Payment Types, which are setup for the Signature Pad, have beend used, the following flow is started:

The first steps of the flow are different based on which Sign Type is setup.

Signtype: “Signature Pad”

  1. The transaction is saved with status “WaitForSignature”.

  2. A call is made to the LHWS to save the transaction as a PDF and upload it to Google Cloud Platform with the name <transactioncode>_invoice.pdf.

SignType: “Signature Pad (external PDF)”

  1. The transaction is saved with status “Finished”

  2. A webhook for this transaction is send to an external system which then creates the .PDF and uploads it to Google Cloud Platform - via GetUploadURL endpoint (restricted).

  1. When the upload is finished the POS receives a (SignalR) message that is the pdf is ready and is attached to the transaction as an attachment.

  2. The POS downloads the pdf to a predetermined place (location in setup in the settings-page of the shell-application).

  3. The signature Pad is instructed to show the PDF on the display and let the customer sign it (the exact proces may differ since the Signature Pad allows for different flows. The specific arguments with which the Signature Pad process is started, can be setup in the settings-page of the shell-application at Arguments).

  4. After signing, the pdf is updated with the signature and the POS gets a signal that signing is completed.

  5. The POS uploads the pdf with signature and when this is completed, attaches it as an attachment to the transaction.

  6. When the previous step is successful the transaction is finished.
    * If the signing process is not successful the transaction will not be finalized and the user is brought back to the finalize page of the current transaction. It is now possible to restart the signing process by (again) finishing the transaction.

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