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Releases in 2024


Release date: July 2024


  • (PROWHP-261) Added support for Active Directory Service login method through SLD (additional field in user management)


  • (PROWHP-244) Fixed issue in Put Away for putting away batches on bin location forcing that single batch

  • (PROWHP-238) Fixed issue with co-op mode when original user leaves the task

  • (PROWHP-236) Fixed issue with drawing method set to none on Freight costs, these are no longer drawn to target documents

  • (PROWHP-260) Fixed issue with strong passwords containing special characters


Release date: June 2024

New Features

  • (PROWHP-249) Split picking and shipping tasks on dedicated User Defined Field

  • (PROWHP-241) Added support for SAP HANA driver 2.17


  • (PROWHP-97) Added option to sort generating picklists for production orders on Start Date

  • (PROWHP-255) Display Document and Line details on questionnaires


  • (PROWHP-250) Fixed issue causing double lines in shipping tasks

  • (PROWHP-257) Fixed issue with not splitting when Ship To code is empty

  • (PROWHP-240) Fixed issue with items which are no longer managed by serial or batch numbers

  • (PROWHP-248) Fixed issue with “Invalid Data model” error message in Crossdocking Picklist settings

  • (PROWHP-254) Fixed issue with incorrect Ship To Code for deposit lines

  • (PROWHP-251) Fixed issue with StreetNr on Customer Equipment cards


Release date: February 2024

New Features

  • (PROWHP-137) Added Deposit options for Return Receipt functions

  • (PROWHP-138) Added option for mandatory confirmation by barcode values

  • (PROWHP-226) Added/Extended options for font sizing and info panel collapse for web client application


  • (PROWHP-71) Added/Fixed translations of “day“ columns in Generate Picklists

  • (PROWHP-139) Changed behavior for Pick to Carrier

  • (PROWHP-221) Enabled print function for closed Pick Lists

  • (PROWHP-228) Added options for Cross Dock for allocation profiles


  • (PROWHP-225) Fixed issue with not splitting delivery documents

  • (PROWHP-230) Fixed issue with not deleting picklist lines

  • (PROWHP-235) Fixed issue with additional 1 quantity after item confirmation

Known Issues

  • (PROWHP-227) Check for Application Identifiers when scanning Item is not optimal


Release date: January 2024


  • (PROWHP-217) Fixed issue with Generate Picklist screen for decimal values in counters

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