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Releases in 2023


Release date: Dec, 2023


  • (PROWHP-129) Added Round Up option to Deposit Item settings

  • (PROWHP-174) Changed screen behavior in Cross Docking Picklist settings when using default settings


  • (PROWHP-179) Fixed issue with counters in Generate Picklist screen

  • (PROWHP-175) Fixed translation issue in Cross Docking sessions

  • (PROWHP-178) Fixed issue with error message on dividing quantities in Pick to Carrier process

  • (PROWHP-191) Fixed issue with not combining orders with the same manually entered address

  • (PROWHP-193) Fixed issue with error message when scanning PTL ID during shipment process


Release date: Oct, 2023

New features

  • (PROWHP-13) Added crossdocking functionality


  • (PROWHP-49) Added option to show a route list on shipping tasks

  • (PROWHP-136) Added option to receive goods based on line level

  • (PROWHP-141) Added a parameter for linking prepayment to returns


  • (PROWHP-171) Fixed issue with changing purchase order returns

  • (PROWHP-132) Fixed issue with packaging on gross price lists

  • (PROWHP-142) Fixed issue with DocType on stock transfers profile on SQL filters

  • (PROWHP-171) Fixed issue with change of purchase order returns

  • (PROWHP-128) Fixed issue with auto assignment on a picklist that was already assigned by line.

  • (PROWHP-165) Fixed issue with selection the Department in tab distribution rules for goods receipt and goods issue

  • (PROWHP-170) Fixed issue with text (booking transactions) not displaying correctly in scanner

  • (PROWHP-140) Fixed scroll bar issue in the reason for cancellation settings tab on additional functions

Known Issues

  • (RPOWHP-174) The expedition settings in the crossdock pick list settings screen may not be disabled even if the 'Use Default' option is checked


Release date: June, 2023

New features

  • (PROWHP-34) Added option to split sales orders on delivery adres when ShipttoCode adress is empty

  • (PROWHP-114) Added option to replenish on preferred locations


  • (PROWHP-100) Added option to automaticaaly continue after entering quantity in inventory screen on scanner

  • (PROWHP-120) Added option to refresh page in stock inventory screen on scanner


  • (PROWHP-111) Fixed issue on number of (manual) steps to Move Pallet Method functionality

  • (PROWHP-121) Fixed issue on change of entered assigned quantity while moving pick locations

  • (PROWHP-112) Fixed issue on presentation of retour packaging screen

  • (PROWHP-110) Fixed issue with transferring information from order to delivery document

  • (PROWHP-113) Fixed issue with refreshing graphical indicators on scanner

  • (PROWHP-124) Fixed issue with transferring UoM name while using differnet UoM items on a sale order

  • (PROWHP-130) Fixed issue with combinding sales orders on a picklist with empty Ship to adresses


Release date: January, 2023

New features

  • (PROWHP-82) Allow merging into one delivery based on the characteristic in the order instead of business partner

  • (PROWHP-91) Added option to generate ad-hoc Replenishment tasks on scanner


  • (PROWHP-90) Added option to select batch - and serial items in Extra Menu Goods Issue

  • (PROWHP-104) Notification in case when no replenishment items are generated after using Generate button

  • (PROWHP-107) Change confirmation options order in PutAway settings screen


  • (PROWHP-75) Fixed scroll issue on Route display in Addon

  • (PROWHP-76, PROWHP-77, PRO-WHP-78) Fixed issues with notifications in Goods Receipt, PutAway and Stock Transfer screen

  • (PROWHP-80) Fixed missing Details Definitions screen in Replenishment Document screen on client

  • (PROWHP-83) Fixed validation error on allocation Locations screen

  • (PROWHP-85) Fixed issue with selection of units at Extra Menu barcode function

  • (PROWHP-86) Fixed missing ShipToCode and PayToCode on packing slip with multiple orders

  • (PROWHP-92) Fixed issue with order lines status Deleted still taken to Transaction Retry

  • (PROWHP-102) Fixed issue on missing batch information on screen after scanning selected batch with Goods issue

  • (PROWHP-106) Fixed issue on missing data in Task overview on today selection

  • (PROWHP-108) Fixed issue with replenishment after closing item line in client

  • (PROWHP-109) Fixed issue with removing item line while status error on production picking process

Known Issues

  • (#30176) There's an issue with put away tasks not being shown when bin locations are restricted by article group on MS SQL SAP Business One 10.0's latest patches.

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