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Releases in 2022


Release date: October, 2022

New features

  • (#29930, #29932, #29934) Added custom SQL filter options for generating replenishment tasks

  • (#29937) Added option to maximize from locations on replenishment tasks

  • (#29952) Added options to select document/tasks by using GS1/EAN128 barcodes

  • (#29957) Added Automatic booking transaction option for saved lines of put away tasks

  • (#29960) Added Single Carrier Movement to simplify and fasten stock transfer functionality

  • (#30206) Added options to change font size of item, supplier and item lines on scanner

  • (#30696) Added HANA 2.7 driver support


  • (#29940) Display Replenishment location in a replenishment task when only one target location in task

  • (#29942) Display Item in a replenishment task when only one item in task

  • (#29948) Option to skip re-print function for Print Events in scanner


  • (#26005) Fixed issue with no presentation of standard receiving bin location on scanner

  • (#29005, #29055) Fixed issue with unpacked items in delivery after changing delivery date when using Routes and Pick to Carrier

  • (#29098) Fixed issue with defining Allocation locations

  • (#29484) Fixed issue using First-In-First-Out principle with Batch items arranged on bin location

  • (#29547) Fixed issue with scrolling on Route definitions overview

  • (#29975) Fixed issue with automatic closing of inventory Transfer documents

  • (#30109) Fixed issue with receiving extra serial number items from production

  • (#30695) Fixed issue with prioritizing locations on strategy on batch items

  • (#30746) Fixed issue with download button in WarehousePro dashboard

Known Issues

  • (#30176) There's an issue with put away tasks not being shown when bin locations are restricted by article group on MS SQL SAP Business One 10.0's latest patches.

Version (hotfix)

Release date: September, 2022


  • (#29434, #29449) Fixed issue with not showing correct preferred bin locations of item with Goods Receipt and Put Away process

  • (#29919, #29921) Fixed issue with item not selected for Picklists when in open Replenishment task


Release date: June, 2022


  • (#28464) Limit number of Put Away proposal list

  • (#28709) Replenishment without maximum quantity in ERP system bin location set to minimum quantity


  • (#29059) Fixed issue with searching item in bin location Extra menu

  • (#28240) Fixed issue with item not in Pick list while Replenishing to empty location

  • (#28250) Fixed issue with decimals and completion of quantity on items in Pick list

  • (#28320, #28324) Fixed issue while combining Purchase Orders when (partially) receiving items

  • (#28464) Fixed issue with Put Away loading delay

  • (#28527) Fixed error message on Sales Order picking documents

  • (#28655) Fixed performance issue after confirmation (or skip confirmation) item on Goods receipt

  • (#28765) Fixed issue with Stock Counting containing removed Counting lists

Known Issues

  • (#29005) Issue with unpacked items in delivery after changing delivery date when using Routes and Pick to Carrier.

Version (hotfix)

Release date: April, 2022


  • (#26170) Fixed performance issue with searching Barcode items on Put Away tasks


Release date: February, 2022

New Features

  • (#26568) Added option to block Production Receipts bookings in client

Existing script in Confirmation Definitions needs to be changed with a second value (IsBlocked) on output Y/N in order to disable Agree button in client.


  • (#22113) Shortened Token Validity in Web Service

  • (#26276) Optimized Batch selection on display client

  • (#26374) Optimized Production Receipt task display on client


  • (#25095) Fixed issue with removing locations in Allocation Locations screen

  • (#25605) Fixed issue with selection or removing checkbox on Location Audit screen

  • (#25716) Fixed rounding issue with booking deliveries or receipts while using different Decimal Places on Amounts and Prices

  • (#26728) Fixed error response while removing a definition in Details Definitions screen

  • (#26806) Fixed issue with filtering locations on Inventory Counting

  • (#27280) Fixed errors on with address and tax extensions on Return requests

  • (#27366) Fixed issue on number of items with Location Audit in client

  • (#27432) Fixed issue with Bill of Material items on shipping jobs while using Shipment on Picklist

  • (#27575) Fixed issue with Stock Transfer Request allocations and creating Stock Transfer from SAP Business One Client

Version (hotfix)

Release date: January, 2022


  • (#27575) Fixed issue with Stock Transfer Request allocations and creating Stock Transfer from SAP Business One Client

Version (hotfix)

Release date: January, 2022


  • (#27170) Fixed issue on allocation profile Inventory in relation with Inventory Transfer Requests

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