WarehousePro contains options for registering packaging when receiving and delivering goods. This concerns so-called logistical packaging such as pallets, crates, containers, etc.
There are 2 options: Manual selection based on a list or automatically linked to carriers (packages).
Manual Selection
This functionality offers the possibility to manually select which packaging items are received or delivered when receiving purchase orders or delivering sales orders.
Within SAP Business One, follow the menu path Administration > Setup > WarehousePro Settings > Packaging > Configuration . Define at least one item group that can be used for the packing list boxes.

Use the Show list at picking, Show list at shipment, Show list at Inbound or Show list at Return Outbound parameters to determine whether this item group may use a packaging selection moment during the relevant processes. In addition, it is also possible to start return processes for packaging via the Show return list at picking, Show return list at shipment, Show return list at Inbound or Show return list at Return Inbound.
If activated, the relevant screens are presented on the WarehousePro Client during goods receipt or delivery processes.

Freight costs
By default, a packaging item is added to the target document as a "normal" item in an extra line. By setting a Freight cost rule, the price of this item is not entered as unit price in this document, but as Freight costs in the SAP document. This has the advantage that document discount is not applied to packaging.

If no freight cost rule is linked to the item group packaging, the SAP Business One pricing will be used. Versions of WarehousePro from before will use a fixed price list.
Set up a warehouse on which the packaging items must be taken or put when they are used. If the warehouse in question is divided by warehouse locations, then one location must be designated. If the packaging items are stock keeping units, it is necessary that a clear setting is determined for each item group. All packaging is then (virtually) posted to and from this warehouse or warehouse location.
If packaging items are stored separately at different locations in the warehouse, this can be specified per task group. In this case, the task group with which a task is carried out determines where the packaging items are booked from or to.

Packaging limitations for business partners
If necessary, this list of items can be limited for specific business partners. To do this, follow the menu path Administration > Setup > WarehousePro Settings > Packaging > Business Partners . Add business partners for which a limitation must apply. It is also possible here to select a complete business partner group (via the Business PartnerGroup check mark).
Specify which items may be used for this business partner or group. Only the items from the specified packaging definition can be selected for this.
When items are specified for a business partner, only these items can be used during packaging selection.

Carrier Packaging
Another possibility is to link packaging items to SAP Business One Packaging. This functionality is only possible when delivering stock and not when receiving. SAP Business One currently does not support Packaging on Inbound processes.
Before this can be arranged, Packaging types must be set up in SAP Business One. To do this, follow the menu path Administration > Setup > Inventory > Package Types .

These types of packaging can be linked to packaging items via WarehousePro settings. To do this, follow the menu path Administration > Setup > WarehousePro Settings > Packaging > Packages .

In the example above when a Container is used as a carrier, one item “Rolcontainer” will be added to the delivery document.
The price determination of the packaging items comes from the establishment as indicated in chapter 2.1.1.
Deposit or linked item packaging
WarehousePro also offers the possibility to link packaging items to other items.
Follow the menu path Administration > Setup > WarehousePro Settings > Packaging > Items to determine this configuration.
First select the main item to which packaging items should be linked. Then add the packaging items in the lower part of the screen.

This setup can be applied per item at receipt, at delivery and/or at returns.
In the example above, the item EMB0001 is added with a quantity of 24to the delivery once per 1 pieces of item ITM0001.
Also, per 100 pieces of ITM0001, item EMB0002 is added once using the Round Up. This indicates that for 1 to 100 pieces, 1x EMB0002 and for 101 to 200, 2x EMB0002, etc.
At Return
Please note that when creating return requests when packaging items are enabled for At Return that the packaging items in the Delivery or Invoice document, should not be copied into the requests. This can result in duplicate lines for the packaging items.