Custom SQL Filters
If the standard filters available in the screens for generating tasks do not offer sufficient options, WarehousePro contains the option to add custom SQL Filters. This makes it possible to use data from user-defined fields or fields from other addons as information to generate tasks.

Here, too, a distinction is made between different task types (Sales orders, Reserve invoices, Production orders, Inventory Transfers and Replenishment).
These SQL filters can be used for Automatic or manual generation of tasks. Only one SQL filter can be used at a time during a run.
Within a SQL filter it is possible to distinguish between the different methods for selecting rules. The screen contains, except Replenisment, the following tabs and can each contain a different SQL query:
Document Used for manual task generation and interval (Display = Document). Make sure that the SQL query only gives DocEntry as output.
Document Event Used for automatic picking list generation based on event (Creating or Updating an SAP Business One Document) (Display = Document). Make sure that the SQL query only gives DocEntry as output.
Lines Used for manual pick list generation and interval (View = Line or TreeView). Make sure that the SQL query only returns DocEntry and LineNum.
Lines Event Used for automatic picking list generation based on event (Creating or Updating an SAP Business One Document) (View = Line or Tree View). Make sure that the SQL query only gives DocEntry and LineNum as output.

For Replenishment tasks only one Filter tab is available, used during generating replenishment. Make sure that the SQL query only gives list of ItemCode as output.

The output of the SQL query is placed over the standard filters as an additional filter.
Improper use of these query’s might result in performance issues.