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Automatic Generation


Profiles can be created to automatically generate picking lists. Again, a distinction is made between the different pick list types (Sales orders, Reserve invoices, Production order and Stock Transfer).

A profile can be used to define what the trigger is, which filters are used and which options are assigned to the picking lists. Multiple profiles can be active alongside each other.

A profile can be deactivated if necessary.

Event Type

A profile for Automatic Generation of Picking Lists can be set on several "triggers":

  • Event An SAP Business One Document (sales orders, reserve invoices, production order or inventory transfer request) is added or updated. A pick list must be generated at that time. This profile is only executed in those cases and will no longer automatically attempt to generate a pick list at a later time. An event will also always be based on that one specific SAP Business One document.

  • Interval At a specific Generation time or between a Start and an End time this profile will be executed and it will be checked whether documents or lines of documents are valid for this profile.

  • Event and Interval This profile is used when creating or updating an SAP Business One document as well as at a specific Generation time or between the indicated Start and End time. This type can be used when the picking list must be created immediately. If this was not successful at the time of creating or updating the document (because stock was not available at that time), the interval will automatically check again.


The Interval of a profile can be set in two ways: Interval between a start and an end time or at a specific Generation time. In both cases it is also possible to specify on which days of the week this profile must be executed. A smallest interval of 10 minutes applies. This is to prevent heavy queries from constantly overlapping each other.


Filters can be fixed in a profile. These are the same default filters in combination with a possible additional SQL Filter. The View determines whether the filters on Linesor Documents will apply.


The Warehouses tab is an extension to the Filters. Here you can determine for which warehouses lines must be included in the picking lists.


Similar to Filters, the options pick list can also be locked from a profile. Here you have the choice to use the default options (from Administration > Setup > WarehousePro Settings > Picklists > Settings ) or to use specific and different settings for the picking lists from this profile. (See the General Settings for Pick Lists chapter for an explanation of these options).

This makes it possible (for example) to have picking lists from a specific profile generated according to a different strategy or to consciously assign these picking lists to a specific task group.

Shipping Dock

Under the Shipping Docktab, a Location can be designated per warehouse to which the stock must be picked. If no Location is defined here for a warehouse that appears in the picking list, the settings in the strategy or route definition will be considered.

Log Settings

Under the Log Settings tab it is possible to specify how many days the logging about the generation of picking lists based on this profile should be kept.

This logging can be requested via the Logbutton at the bottom of the screen:

If necessary, the profile can be started manually via the Execute button.

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