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Point of Sale Client installation

For installation of a Point of Sale Client follow the next steps.

Make sure to finish (basic) configuration of the RetailPro Branch Server before installing the Point of Sale Client.




Open Branch URL on system where Point of Sales Client needs to be installed.


Go to Settings > POS Settings and click (or copy) the link RetailPro POS Installer URL.


Execute RetailPo Point of Sale.exe.


Start the RetailPro Point of Sale Client application (default installation path is "C:\Program Files\ProSuite) and click on Cancel in the Administrator Login screen (since these are not yet set at first run).

Make sure to run the application as administrator (right click mouse button) first time. This will build up a config file (RBSConfig.xml).


Use the gear button right below on the screen in order to configure the Branch Server Connection Settings.


Username and Password (administrator) can be left blank, but is advised to fill due to security reasons.

The credentials will be used to protect these settings and cannot be used to login Point of Sale functions.


Fill in IP address and Port as configured in the Branch server (see B1 ProSuite Software Platform).


Click on Save in order to open the user Login screen.


Login with the User credentials as setup in RetailPro User settings in SAP Business One.

Make sure to assign a license to the Point of Sale via BranchServer > BranchServer Connections.

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