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Releases in 2023


Release Date: November 30th 2023


  • (PRORTP-73) Full prepayment not saved as down payment

  • (PRORTP-83) Custom VAT determination for default sales customer

  • (PRORTP-81) Changes to validations on Vouchers: Check serial number

  • (PRORTP-93) Implemented password masking for RetailPro user

  • (PRORTP-82) Added new User Defined Field "RetailPro Branch" to document header


  • (PRORTP-78) Resolved issue with saving time Branch settings

  • (PRORTP-85) Fixed Issue with delivery date after adjusting quantity

  • (PRORTP-86) Fixed issue with validation of email addresses

  • (PRORTP-92) Fixed Transport Method in relation to updates Service Items


Release Date: July 7th 2023


  • (PRORTP-65) Ability to delete old branch server Client IDs

  • (PRORTP-68) Added option to synchronize predefined texts and item properties


  • (PRORTP-73) Full prepayments will not be saved anymore as down payment


  • (PRORTP-64) Fixed time out errors on many synchronization events from ERP system

  • (PRORTP-62) Fixed calulcation in client with net prices of Bill of Material items in quotations while using open documents

  • (PRORTP-67) Optimized synchronization of batch items in branch server

  • (PRORTP-57) Fixed synchronization issue with serial number items in branch server

  • (PRORTP-51) Fixed customer notification while using active and advanced fields in Business Partner Master Data

  • (PRORTP-66) Fixed transaction overview in cash register is not complete

  • (PRORTP-69) Fixed issue on processing orders with discount higher than 100% in showroomApp

  • (PRORTP-47) Fixed default price issue with SNELPLU items

  • (PRORTP-71) Fixed issue in Stored Procedure wiith installation of Branch server

  • (PRORTP-76) Fixed icalulcation of Net prices in showroomApp with multiple quantity items on quotations created in ERP system

  • (PRORTP-70) Fixed performance issue with searching items including translations in Showroom- and SelfScanApp

  • (PRORTP-75) Fixed unwanted discount type switch issue

  • (PRORTP-74) Fixed issue with transactional data while emptying shopping cart

  • (PRORTP-77) Fixed issue with status of saved quotation or orders in ERP system before entering document discount

Known Issues

  • (PRORTP-73) Full prepayments saved in ERP will still be saved as down payment


Release Date: March 31st 2023


  • (PRORTP-32) Added Point of Sale web connection

  • (PRORTP-29) Added support with foreign local currency

  • (PRORTP-19) Adjust serial number after error in transaction overview

  • (PRORTP-37) Added option showing Item description in costumer language

  • (PRORTP-24) Added option showing prices exclusive VAT in SelfScan App


  • (PRORTP-59) Allow negative discount in order line

  • (PRORTP-17) Added message when an item is inactive

  • (PRORTP-10) Change selection button Open Documents in an uniform place

  • (PRORTP-13) Service articles order selection equals to overview in showroom app

  • (PRORTP-41) Expand limit on showing lines on customer display

  • (PRORTP-18) Change behavior on plus and minus in return items screen


  • (PRORTP-36) Fixed issue with Branch Server installation on HANA driver 2.7

  • (PRORTP-33) Fixed issue opening last item line, using function key F2 in combination with function Grouping of items if they are selected multiple times disabled

  • (PRORTP-38) Fixed issue with finalizing transaction in Selfscan App

  • (PRORTP-35) Fixed issue with saving discount after confirmation

  • (PRORTP-31) Fixed issue with creating invoice in case of ordered items and returned items with higer value

  • (PRORTP-20) Fixed issue with selecting inactive customers

  • (PRORTP-12) Fixed processing transactions on empty general ledger account from Branches Financial or G/L Account tab

  • (PRORTP-21) Fixed issue with saving PDF's and crashing Point of Sale client

  • (PRORTP-22) Fixed different starting values in Field Deposit in the ShowroomApp

  • (PRORTP-55) Fixed option to give document discount in more decimals

  • (PRORTP-54) Fixed calculation on discount while retrieving parked transactions

  • (PRORTP-34) Fixed issue with adjusting translation text discount field in ShowroomApp

  • (PRORTP-15) Fixed issue with special characters in contact persons from business partners

  • (PRORTP-16) Fixed issue with disappeared customer after selecting parked sales orders in ShowroomApp

  • (PRORTP-53) Fixed issue on resubmitting documents with save status Error to ERP system

  • (PRORTP-39) Fixed recognition of missing licence with initial setup Point of Sale

  • (PRORTP-48) Fixed booking of returned items on transport method marked as (reversed) 'deliver immediately'

  • (PRORTP-60) Fixed Branch Server installation on ProSuite platform other than HANA 1.0

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