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Releases in 2022



  • (PRORTP-25) Changed response of status 13 from SEPAY payment device


  • (PRORTP-26) Fixed issue with payment device payments when using web client POS

  • (PRORTP-27) Fixed issue with timeouts when using SEPAY payment devices

  • (PRORTP-28) Fixed issue with phone number validation and input masks



  • (#30700) Added HANA driver 2.7 support

  • (#30804) Convert all product lines to a selected Transport method at once

  • (#30805) Input validation on telephone number and email

  • (#30807) Point of Sale also available as web App

  • (#30808) Continue with parked transactions at a later stage

  • (#30809) Discount percentage in Wrap up screen Showroom App

  • (#30810) Hide prices in Selfscan App


  • (#28149) Notification when payments are not been fully completed

  • (#29520, #30966) Increase limit on maximum items and open documents presented in Point of Sale

  • (#30363) Event generation for stock transfers

  • (#30346) Discount visible on customer screen


  • (#29328) Fixed issue on update number of buys limitation in store

  • (#29353) Fixed issue with used Tax code on added foreign customers

  • (#30308) Fixed issue with discount on amount with additional costs

  • (#30720) Fixed issue with Tax summary rounding

  • (#30889) Fixed issue with installation empty Branch Database name

  • (#30897) Fixed issue with overwritten transaction on different client

  • (#30955) Fixed issue on login with inactive Business Partner Selfscan App

  • (#30972) Fixed issue with reset discount while changing order

  • (#30973) Fixed issue with function keys after scanning item

  • (#30978) Fixed issue with showing From item totals in Showroom App

  • (#30979) Fixed issue with change of deposit amount in Showroom App

  • (#30982) Fixed issue with document discount while changing quotation to order

  • (#30998) Fixed issue with use of inactive transport method

  • (#31003) Fixed issue with authorisation on Point of Sale transactions

  • (#31022) Fixed issue with item on invalid transport method

  • (#31023) Fixed performance issue on mobile device in order checkout screen

  • (#31024) Fixed issue with showing From prices in Selfscan App

  • (#31050) Fixed issue with discount on document including extra costs



  • (#29187) Use of function keys on last added item in Point of Sale


  • (#28618) Blocking cancel button while SEPAY PIN transaction is active

  • (#28856) Encrypted password save of SQL account in Database

  • (#29157) Disable MCL Scanner option


  • (#27991, #28053, #28054) Wrong processing of Sales orders and quotations containing Bill of Material items with same components on separate lines

  • (#28020) Incorrect information in ShowroomApp on Bill of Material items with same components on separate lines

  • (#28050) Validation failure on Stored Procedure RP_Crystal_Invoice upgrade Branchserver from version (or lower)

  • (#28908) Fixed issue with obliged Customer Input Field in Point of Sale

  • (#29289) Fixed issue with multiple batches from a single bin location


New Features

  • (#26294, #27772) Added option SEPAY Pin Payments connection

This will effect while using push method on Crystal Report. Changes around SEPAY led to Database structure changes on tables RP_TRANS_Payments_CreditCard and RP_TRANS_Payments_Pin. Please check your RP_Crystal_Invoice when using these tables.

  • (#27869) Added option to switch off ATP data button in ShowroomApp


  • (#27224) Added remove button (addon) for not used Branches

  • (#27858) Added option PIN button (manual) without PIN connection

  • (#27874) Change Cash receipt Script for Direct printers

  • (#27987) Change maximum discount percentage to 100%


  • (#27617) Fixed issue with automatically updating server database while updating RetailPro Server

  • (#27689) Fixed issue with recalculation of retrieved open quotations

  • (#27780) Fixed issue with error message while installing new Branchserver

  • (#27867) Fixed error message while configuring CCV pin

  • (#27922) Fixed issue with deposit items

Known issues

  • (#27991, #28053, #28054) Wrong processing of Sales orders and quotations containing Bill of Material items with same components on separate lines

  • (#28050) Validation failure on Stored Procedure RP_Crystal_Invoice upgrade Branchserver from version (or lower)

  • (#28020) Incorrect information in ShowroomApp on Bill of Material items with same components on separate lines

Version (hotfix)


  • (#26029) Fixed issue with Save as quotation function and wrapping up document button

Version (hotfix)


  • (#27173) Fixed issue with remembering discount message in Wrap up screen ShowroomApp

  • (#27193) Fixed issue on document discount calculation with open quotations

  • (#27199) Fixed issue while changing discount percentage in amount on predefined discounts



  • (#27115) Message when total discount exceeds item total

  • (#27120) Improved support of authorizations for Showroom App

  • (#27143) Exclude quotations and separate Cash bookings from Sales Report

  • (#27064) Added link to Point of Sale Installer in Branch Server POS settings

  • (#27066) Message on first time run as Administrator of Point of Sale Client

  • (#27067) Option to Remove not used Branch Server connections


  • (#26991) Fixed issue with pricing when changing Unit of Measurement

  • (#27099) Fixed issue with Date notation on Excel Export of Sales Report

  • (#27100) Fixed issue with Vat sum presentation on Sales Report

  • (#27123) Fixed issue with calculation of Subtotal on Return total in Showroom App

  • (#27132) Fixed issue with adaption of Total price when using Net Pricing in Showroom App

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