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Printer Settings

To be able to use Print Events, several parameters must be set.

Print Events

After all bases have been set up, the Print Events must be activated in the Print Events tab. Select the Print Event to activate after adding a new line and select the desired Report Name.

Print Reports

Each report must be designed for a specific print event. After creating the needed layouts add them in Reports tab and bind them to the correct Print Event. Enter a user friendly name for the report in the Report Name column. Also specify the correct Paper Format for which the layout was designed for.

In case of a Crystal Reports file, specify the location of the file in the Report File column. Enter the complete path and the filename. Make sure the file is accessibly for the Windows User Account on which the B1ProSuite Software Platfom is running. If the file is on a shared network folder, you should specify the UNC path (\\host-name\share-name\file-path) to the file rather than using drive mapping locations (X:\folder\file-path).

Push Data Mark this button when the data needs to be pushed to the Crystal Report.

Crystal Reports Push method is an alternative method to retrieve data. In this case the complete structure and data is pushed from application to Crystal Reports in XML format. No database connection is required in the report. Check Crystal Reports documentation on SAP resources for more information.


Specify printers and bind them to an installed printer driver or select the Label Printer.

Label Printer marking to specify IP Address and Communications Port to send direct printer code to.

Only printer drivers that are installed for the Windows User Account on which the B1ProSuite Software Platform is running can be accessed. Printer management must be done through that account. Check Software Platform documentation for more information on how to run as specific Windows User.

A user friendly name can be given in the Printer Name column.

Press the Save button after making changes to this tab.

Printer Users

Assigns users to specific printers.

Printer Controls

If required, you can enable the possibility to print cash receipt to a receipt printer. Directly controlled via IP (network) or locally (COM).

  • When IP enabled, please specify the Printer IP Server Address and Printer Port.

  • When COM enabled, please specify the COM port settings that match the printer's settings.

To enable Receipt Printer and Cashbooking Printer, mark the checkbox in the Point of Sale application (Settings tab).

Paper Format

Each print event will be designed to print to a specific paper format. Open the Paper Format tab to define all desired paper formats. These formats will be used to bind Printers and Reports (print layouts).

Press the Save button after making changes to this tab.

Print Scripts

Two Scripts are available for configuration:

  1. Receipt

  2. Cashbooking

Click on add Receipt and/or add Cashbooking button in order to set up configuration (script) for the layout of the receipt and/or Cashbooking. In the right side of the screen you can create or edit variables by clicking on Edit. Refer to the printer's programming guide for more details about the printer's control code.

The script is divided in three sections. The Header Text contains the top information that should be printed at the start of the print. The Footer Text will be printed at the bottom. The Details section contains the items and is a repeatable section.

The control code can also contain other commands for the printer. Such as Cutting or Feeding commands.

Please refer to the device's programming guide for more detailed references and options to use in printing language.

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