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Operating systems

The product only installs on the following Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10 64-Bit

  • Windows 11 64-Bit

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 or newer


  • Download the installation file to your computer: Installer version

  • Start the installation

  • When the installer starts, it first checks if all dependent software is installed

  • If not, the dependent software is listed and installed after pressing next

  • Press next, finish or install at every prompt and accept the licenses when needed

  • After the prerequisites are installed the LHWS is installed.

    • Press next at every prompt and change the installation folder when needed.

      Press finish to finish the installation

The installer has now installed the Aiden Local Hardware Service on the device and has installed a service called: Aiden Local Hardware Service

This service runs under the user “Local System”. It is advised to change this and have this service running as the user that you log on with. This enables the program to use your installed network printers.

  • To change this right click on the service and select properties

  • Choose the second tab (logon)

  • Choose This Account and fill in your account and password. Press OK to save your changes and restart the service

  • Installation will add an icon to your desktop

Starting the Local Hardware Service Portal

When the service is running you can access the local hardware service portal at http://localhost:5445/

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