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Data Management

With this form it is possible to (re)send transactions to the ERP backend when one or more specific transactions are not (correctly) processed in the ERP Backend.

Only transactions with status Finished can be resend


When the form is started only finished transactions of the last 7 days are shown.

By changing one or more selection options (use the image-20240312-111231.png button) the shown transactions are changed

  • Transaction status

    • Finished - finished transactions

    • Wait - paused transactions

    • Queued - Transactions with a new BP where the BP is not (yet) created in the ERP backend

    • Busy - Not yet Used

    • ALL - All transactions

  • Stores

    • All Stores - Transactions of all store

    • <Store name> - only transaction of that specific store

  • From Date/ to Date - Date range

  • Transactioncode - TransactionCode to search for

  • BusinessPartner id/Name - Business Partner id or name to search for

After changing the selection, press Search to update the list.

When selecting one or more checkboxes and pressing Resend above the table all selected transactions are resend

When pressing Resend the dot changes color

  • Grey - Resending

  • Green - Resend successful

  • Red - Resend not successful or not resend due to status


Please note that only transactions with status Finished can be resend.

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