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Cash Procedures


When cash procedures authorization is added as a permission to your user account and when cash procedures widget is enabled in the store settings, you will have the option to select the Cash Procedures tile on the right side of the POS main screen. See also Figure 1.

Figure 1. Main screen with attachments widget available

Cash Procedures main screen

After clicking the Cash Procedures Widget you will be navigated to the Cash Procedures main screen. See Figure 2. You then have the option to Add a cash booking. Deduct a cash booking. Add a cash drawer count or show a report of past cash counts. Each of these options will be described below.

Figure 2. Cash Countings main screen

Count Drawer

After Clicking Count Drawer you will be presented a count drawer input screen. Here you can count all your coins and bank notes. On the top of the page the total amount will be automatically recalculated. After pressing save the cash count will be saved. When the expected drawer amount (based on all drawer transactions since last cash count) differs from the just counted amount a warning will be presented. You will then have to option to recount or to save anyways. After a succesfull save the cash count popup will disappear and take you back to the cash count main screen (see Figure 2).

Figure 3. Adding a drawer cash count

Add Cash

When clicking add cash a dialog will be shown which enables you to add a manual cash booking to the drawer. Input will follow the input in cents' setting from Store Settings and a reason is mandatory. After pressing save the cash booking will be saved and you will be taken back to the main Cash Procedures screen (Figure 2).

Figure 4. Adding a manual cash booking

Deduct Cash

When clicking Deduct Cash a dialog will be shown which enables you to add a manual cash deduct booking to the drawer. Input will follow the input in cents' setting from Store Settings and a reason is mandatory. After pressing save the deduct cash booking will be saved and you will be taken back to the main Cash Procedures screen (Figure 2).

Figure 5. Adding a manual cash deduct booking

Show Report

When clicking the show report link on the bottom of the main Cash Procedures Screen (see Figure 2). You will be presented an overview of all cash drawer counts, grouped by week. When clicking to arrow button on the right side of each line you will be navigated to a new page showing all cash bookings that have contributed to the cash count you just clicked.

Figure 6. Cash drawer count report page

Report Detail

After clicking a cash count as mentioned above. A new page will be presented, showing all cash bookings from the latests cash count until the current cash count, thus showing all cash counts that have controbuted to the current cash count.

Figure 7. Cash drawer count detail page

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