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Releases in 2023


Release date: July, 2023

Bug fixes

  • (PROPOD-24) Fixed error on clearing prepayment invoces with multiple deliveries within same route

  • (PROPOD-23) Fixed presentation showing all transactions in transaction overview

  • (PROPOD-25) Fixed issue with gross amount to draw on invoice


Release date: January, 2023

Bug fixes

  • (PROPOD-11) Fixed error message with rounding payments containing Bill of Material components

  • (PROPOD-12) Fixed issue with prepayment invoice in case of a negative balance on the Business Partner card

  • (PROPOD-14) Fixed error message with empty route description

  • (PROPOD-15) Fixed issue on return item value with document discount

  • (PROPOD-16) Fixed Issue with return items and creation of new prepayment invoice

  • (PROPOD-17) Fixed issue with empty email addresses

  • (PROPOD-18) Fixed issue with linking service requests on returns

  • (PROPOD-19) Fixed issue with returning full Bill of Material components and creation of main item invoice

  • (PROPOD-20) Fixed presentation of payment screen when a step back is taken from completion

  • (PROPOD-21) Fixed missing prepayment invoice in case of an extra payment

  • (PROPOD-22) Fixed error message with rounding of return Bill of Material components

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