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Integration services - EYE

Making sure that all applications are using the same data is both of the utmost importance and one of the most difficult tasks within an entire application landscape.

With our integrations your applications are kept in sync, making sure that per example your webshop stock information is up-to-date or that an order can be picked up, shipped and invoiced in a blink of an eye.


Using EYE can integrate almost any kind of application such as:

Webshop integrations

Integrate your SAP system and your webshop such as Magento, Shopify, Shoxl to make sure that all your orders are automatically sent to SAP or that your pricing and stock information is kept up-to-date.

Using a combination of both SAP and your Product Information Management system we can also ensure that your products are automatically added and updated.

Logistic partner integrations

Sending shipments across the globe once your order has been picked can’t be done via the digital highway of course, however making sure that your parcel is registered with your logistics partner can be.

Make sure that all your shipments are registered and tracked digitally, allowing you to never lose another parcel in the manual mess of manually entering them in the portal of your logistics partner.

Listing all integrations would create too long of a list, we’ve selected a few so that you can get an image of what EYE could offer for you. Is your desired integration not listed or are you curious if we can create an integration tailored to your needs, please contact us for more information.

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